River Of Turtles — Turtle Bay

River Of Turtles

River Of Turtles


The Turtles are back!!!

We are happy to announce that our very popular River of Turtles program has just been relaunched and turtles are now available for purchase!

Our remarkable, whimsical display of personally engraved Turtles is visible for all to see and enjoy adjacent to the Turtle Bay Museum entrance and the Museum Store & Coffee Bar.  Your generous gift shows lasting support with a personalized Turtle plaque to celebrate a special occasion or honor loved ones.

We are so thrilled to say that new screens have been installed in the café patio area adjacent to Domke Plaza and are ready to welcome new turtles!

New Turtles are fabricated in groups and should be up within six weeks of purchase.  Donors are notified by email once Turtles are installed.   Turtle plaques are $100/plaque for members and $150/plaque for non-members.  Loved ones honored through the purchase of a Turtle plaque will also be recognized on our website.

All proceeds support the world-class ongoing educational and cultural programs at Turtle Bay Exploration Park.  Donations to River of Turtles are tax-deductible.

To add your personally engraved Turtle to our River, please visit the Museum Store or Front Desk to order in person or call (530) 242-3143 to order by phone, or click on link below to submit a form online. 
