Adopt an Animal

Show your love and support for wildlife! Choose from a variety of our animal ambassadors to sponsor and receive a FREE plush animal modeled after your “adopted” animal. Your contribution plays a critical role in the care we provide year-round for the animals here at the Park.

Cricket the Barn Owl

Cricket was part of a barn owl conservation release program in NY, held back as an education animal. Named for the chirping noise barn owls make when they meet each other at the nest site, he arrived at Turtle Bay at 8 weeks old and quickly became a guest favorite at animal shows! Cricket passed away in 2024 following heart disease.

Tumbleweed the CA Desert Tortoise

Tumbleweed joined the Turtle Bay family in 2023. She hales from Arizona and is a young 20 years old. We are looking forward to learning even more about tortoises like Tumbleweed during her long life with us!

Whisper the Bobcat

Whisper the Bobcat was found at 1-week old near an oil rig in Kansas. Workers placed her in the nearby woods, hoping her mother would find her, but the next morning she was back at the rig. The local zoo saved her from being euthanized and sent her to Turtle Bay to serve as an important species ambassador.

Mischief the Raccoon

Mischief came to Turtle Bay after someone took him from the wild and attempted to raise him in their home. They quickly realized raccoons, while intelligent and friendly, do not make great pets. Since he had imprinted on humans, he was sent to live at Turtle Bay. He now appears frequently in our live animal programs.

Loki the Red Fox

This is Loki, our fun-loving and energetic red fox! Loki was found as an orphan in the spring of 2011 at only about 4 weeks old. Being an invasive species, he could not be released back into the wild. He joined us here at Turtle Bay at 6 weeks old and was raised by our animal trainers.