Nashi | Raccoon

Nashi | Raccoon


Nashi was found at only a couple days old. She had been chewed on by rats and her tail was completely de-sheathed (skin was missing), it was so damaged that it had to be removed. She was taken in by the humane society and came to Turtle Bay at about one year of age in spring 2008

A few fun facts about Raccoons:
-Throughout North America in southern Canada, through the United States in most areas, down into central and northern South America. 
-They are found in all different habitats as they can easily adapt, even being able to co-inhabit areas where humans live. They prefer to have a water source nearby, they enjoy swimming and find their favorite foods near water. 
-Being a scavenger, they will eat most anything, including from wild fruits and nuts to invertebrates, small animals, eggs, frogs, and fish. They are opportunistic, so if it is edible, chances are they will eat it, even carrion. Living near people, they often rummage through garbage cans in search of a meal.  
-Up to 16 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity. The average lifespan of a raccoon in the wild is 5 years.