Saturday, August 20, 2022 - Walk for Wildlife 2022 was a major success, thanks to the nearly 300 participants who walked in support of the animals at Turtle Bay!
My Life with Animals: Laughter
Back in 2004, I was working in Utah at an all bird facility. I was in charge of the Bird Show Department. Of the 450 birds at the facility, the 35 in my care were the ones who had the privilege of being trained and becoming ambassador animals. Most of the animals I got to care for either came from wildlife rehabilitation or were unwanted pets. It was rare that I got to raise a bird from one of the exhibit pairs, but because of a program called SSP, now was my chance.
Volunteer Spotlight: Roger Pierce
June Plant of the Month: Verbena rigida and Verbena rigida ‘Polaris’
Event Recap: Brews by the Bridge 2023
This past weekend, we kicked off the summer season with our annual Brews by the Bridge event! With more beer vendors than ever before, food trucks, outdoor games, and live music, our community had a fun Friday night by the Sundial Bridge. This year’s festivities expanded throughout the entire Gardens, making the event BIGGER and BETTER than in years past. We want to say a huge thank you to all attendees, vendors, and sponsors for their overwhelming support of Turtle Bay!
June Artifact of the Month: Bolivian Necklace
Event Recap: Bubble Day at Turtle Bay!
This past Family Second Saturday, a fun Turtle Bay Tradition continued: Bubble Day! Bubble Day at Turtle Bay is a Celebration of all things Bubble! The Education Department has been doing Bubble Day programs at least once a year for several years; the author of this blog post remembers facilitating several bubble days as a Teen Volunteer between 2012 and 2016! This year's Bubble activities included bubble walls and wands, as well as an experiment to see what household items can be used to make bubbles.
Saturday Education Programs at Turtle Bay
Did you know that Turtle Bay’s Education department offers engaging and educational programming opportunities on three Saturdays every month? Saturday programs consist of drop-in activities that are fun and interactive, thanks to the Museum volunteers that facilitate them. These programs enhance our guests' visits by providing engaging and pertinent learning opportunities to learners of all ages. Saturday Education Programs support Turtle Bay’s mission by providing fun and facilitated activities, demonstrations, and experiments that help encourage guests to wonder, explore and appreciate the world around them!
Betty LaDuke's Turtle Wisdom
About Featured Mosaic Gallery Artist, Dan Jensen
The night sky has fascinated me since I was a young boy. My father was an amateur astronomer who built his own telescopes in the basement, and I remember watching him with awe. One night when I was only seven years old, my father set up a telescope to view Saturn, and I peered through the eyepiece to see the planet. Even though it appeared so tiny, that moment left a lasting impression on me.
May Plant of the Month: Penola Lavender Grevillea
International Museum Day at Turtle Bay
International Museum Day is yet another opportunity for Turtle Bay to connect with our community and celebrate the value that our museum brings to people of all ages and walks of life. Our mission is to inspire wonder, exploration, and appreciation of our world. We envision Turtle Bay as a vibrant gathering place where our community is strengthened through education, cultural engagement, and economic growth.
Volunteer Spotlight: Julia Nikodem
This month’s volunteer spotlight is Julia Nikodem! Julia has been volunteering in the Animal Care Department since the summer of 2019, with a total of 1,000+ hours of hard work and dedication to Turtle Bay! Learn more about Julia’s passion for our animals and how her experience as a volunteer has influenced her future career path.
May Artifact of the Month: Coleman Gas Powered Iron
Would you use this gas-powered contraption to do your weekly ironing? You are probably familiar with the Coleman name and may have used one of their many gas-powered products, such as a grill or lantern. Coleman started their company in 1900, selling gas lanterns, and branched out from there. They produced gas irons like this one from 1924 until 1982. This Model No. 4 Coleman Gasoline Clothes Iron was sold between 1929 and 1932.
Turtle Bay's NEW Environmental Resource Building Breaks Ground
Volunteer Spotlight: Rose Dorsey
We are excited to spotlight another one of our Wonder-full Turtle Bay volunteers, Rose Dorsey! Rose is recognized by many staff members, Park guests, and the community for her upbeat attitude and positive mindset. Learn more about Rose’s experiences in the Exhibits & Collections department and the many benefits that she shares of volunteering at Turtle Bay.
April Artifact of the Month: Daumier Print
When you first look at the old-fashioned figures sketched in caricature form, not much stands out. It appears to be a simple scene. However, it’s the title of the print that draws you in and makes you wonder. Learn more about the background of the Daumier Print in our April Artifact of the Month blog.
April Plant of the Month: Velvet Centaurea
How We Prepare for the Walk on the Wild Side Animal Show
We take ten weeks between the end of our winter programming and the start of rehearsal week to proceed through this training process. In April, we open it up for our guests in our Open Training Sessions. We open the theater for any guests to come and observe us train and watch the progress of the animals. It’s a time to get a glimpse into how it all comes together!
In Memory of Sherrill Bambauer, Turtle Bay Supporter
Turtle Bay recently lost a dear friend and a generous founder/supporter, Sherrill Bambauer.
Sherrill was a vibrant example of how philanthropy can positively impact a community. As a founding member of Turtle Bay, Sherrill (with her late husband Dennis) was key to making the Park a reality! With a teaching background, both Bambauers championed a commitment to the education of children, which Sherrill steadfastly continued after Dennis’ death.