Chinook Salmon Release

Chinook Salmon Release

We recently had the privilege of releasing 150+ Chinook Salmon into the Sacramento River as part of a Conservation Head Start Program with Coleman Fish Hatchery. This is our second consecutive year partnering with Coleman Fish Hatchery and we are proud to be a part of the program.

Each year, Chinook Salmon are given to Turtle Bay as tiny fish, only about half an inch. Over the course of one year in our care, the salmon grow to be 2-3 inches, increasing their chances of survival in the wild.

This year’s release took place on Tuesday, January 3 at 4:30pm in ideal conditions. The stormy weather gave the salmon a murky covering, protecting them from predators. The rushing river also allowed the salmon to move down the river at a greater speed. Overall, it was. successful release this year.

By the end of February, we will receive a new salmon fry, continuing the program for yet another year. This is a new tradition that we are excited to be a part of. We cannot thank Coleman Fish Hatchery enough for this opportunity!